The Foundation is a collaborative, independent, not-for-profit international eating quality research platform. It is linked to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Specialized Section on Meat.
Improve consumer satisfaction of meat products through fostering the application of global collaborative meat research knowledge throughout supply chains.
President of Polish Beef Association
Group Manager – Meat Livestock Australia
Leader of Meat Standard Australia project
Foundation members of the SRG are countries who have data based on MSA protocols. These would include representatives from Poland (PBA/SGGW), Northern Ireland (AFBI), USA (Texas Tech), Ireland (Teagasc), Australia (MLA), France (INRAE), England (AHDB).
Rod Polkinghorne was appointed Project Leader of the Scientific Reference Group. This position would be funded to provide governance.
Since 1991, Dr JF Hocquette has been a research scientist at INRA (the French National Institute for Agricultural, Food and Environment Research). His research interest mainly concerns muscle biology as relevant to muscle growth and beef eating quality. Dr Hocquette is the President of the Cattle Study Commission of EAAP (European Federation of Animal Science) and he is editor-in-chief of the French R&D Meat Journal, Viandes & Produits Carnés.
Head of Food Research Branch in AFBI.
AFBI Food Research Branch is a recognised centre of expertise on the management and prediction of eating quality and flavour of meat and we are collaborating with colleagues across Europe, USA and Australia.